Artist Statement

I've found liberation and expansion of my art process through minimizing my dedication to institutional rules and relying on instinct and habits. New asymmetric compositions have blossomed with no systems set and intervals of impulsive decision making.

Color is instinctual. Line and shape are habits. These three elements make up the foundation within my paintings. There are hints of form, depth and place but flat color dominates. The imbalance spacing of shapes and saturated color framed by the canvas provide a playful, abstract and curious visual experience. The asymmetric conclusions, I believe, echo my daily life.

I've religiously stretched and gessoed my own canvas since 2004. Color is readily available, with 84 + quarts of interior paint that were left over from my Graduate school work in 2014. My color comes from a can and I use what's available.

Motherhood has a significant influence on my thoughts and work. Time for me to plan and paint is sporadic between caring for my children and teaching full time. I magically morph into an artist and my kitchen into a studio during my two children's sleeping hours. Sometimes they sneak into my makeshift studio and patiently watch, curl-up onto my lap or attempt to help.

As a mother, it's an asymmetrical cycle of caregiving and domestic chores. As an artist, it's an equation of finding time to plan, prep and paint. My fusion of motherhood and artistry have found an ebb and flow existence.

-Ashley Lohr

© 2019 Martin Davis. 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002
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